template0 is a directory website aimed at collecting high-quality free templates available on the Internet, including landing pages, blogs, portfolios, ecommerce, and admin dashboards, among others.
Why is it called template0? It has two meanings:
I firmly believe that success begins with a template, not from scratch. The "template" comes before "0", representing this meaning.
You can also consider 0 as $0, meaning all the templates here are free of charge.
Why create such a website? To put it simply, there are three purposes:
High-quality free templates are often forgotten in some corner. This is a showcase site for free templates.
When searching keywords on Google, free templates are often overshadowed by paid template results.
Because the templates are free, many creators don't invest much effort in promotion, making it difficult for quality templates to gain visibility.
Many free templates created by people do not have a specific place for display. Template0 is such a directory website that showcases creators' works and provides a platform for explorers to discover them.
Desired free templates are hard to find.
Many templates lack detailed information on purpose, tech stack, or preview images, making it difficult for those seeking templates to find what they need.
Many free templates require registration to download. These have been filtered out.
All templates go through a basic screening to ensure good appearance and include a live demo.
Aesthetic sense stems from exploration.
This is another reason for creating this site: to encourage exploration and experiencing others' websites, thus enhancing one's aesthetic sense.
All website content is manually collected or user-submitted, rather than being scraped in large quantities by web crawlers.
I will continually keep an eye on industry trends, collecting high-quality free templates as I encounter them. The site's content is continuously updated.
template0.com is just a directory site and will not host any preview content or source code. Links will lead to your own website, providing traffic and SEO benefits to you.
template0.com only accepts templates that are free to use, come with a live demo, and have a good appearance. If you have free templates in template0.com, you can copy the badge below and place it anywhere in your template demo or repository.
<a href="https://template0.com/item/XXX" target="_blank"> <img src="https://img.template0.com/template-$0-created-for-fun-v1.svg" alt="Template $0 - Created for Fun" style="height: 50px" /></a>
About featured template Featured template has no commercial content and is purely based on personal preference of the site owner, with a focus on the following points:
Whether the template code is well-structured, well-documented, and easy to modify.
Whether the appearance is clean, modern, and sleek.
Whether the overall appearance of the template is a relatively unique design, such as a terminal style.
Generally, meeting any of these criteria will lead to being featured.
On the home page and category pages of template0.com, at the most prominent position, there is a spot for sponsor display. You can support the website to cover expenses such as server hosting, domain, CMS, and human resources.
This website is developer-oriented, so it's best for sponsoring brands to be related to software development. template0.com refuses to accept any illegal or non-compliant sponsorship brands, such as adult brands.
Currently, template0.com is actively promoting, thus accepting monthly sponsorships of any amount.
template0.com has only 8 sponsor slots, and these brands will receive equal exposure.
Sponsorships will be prioritized by the amount and order of sponsorship, with the top 8 platforms being promoted.
When sorting, the amount is considered first, but the maximum amount is capped at $99 per month, meaning 199$ per month and $99 per month will have the same sorting effect based on the amount.
To reward the brands that initially support template0.com, if the amounts are identical, template0.com will prioritize the earliest sponsors.
You can sponsor me on Ko-fi and leave your brand information along with contact details.
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