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A modern, responsive, and customizable directory website boilerplate built with React, TypeScript, and Tailwind CSS. Perfect for creating searchable directories from structured data sources.
🚀 A Hugo theme for young start-ups, product launches, and »coming soon«-websites. Includes contact form & newsletter sign up via Netlify. Deploy with one click!
Minimalist developer portfolio using Next.js 14, React, TailwindCSS, Sanity and BuouUI. is an open-source platform that hosts tools in categories like Starter Kits, Design Kits, UI Components, AI and Dev tools. The platform statically showcases these products, helping developers choose the tools they'll use when starting a project.
Serif is an elegant small business theme for Hugo. It contains content types for the archetypical business/marketing website. The theme is fully responsive, blazing fast and artfully illustrated.
📓 obsidian-compatible notes theme for hugo, built from quartz and hugo-book.
A highly customizable and mobile first Hugo template for personal portfolio and blog.