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TailAdmin is a Tailwind CSS-based Admin Dashboard Template that provides developers with everything they need to create feature-rich back-ends, dashboards, and admin panels for web projects. Empowering developers with essential UI components, elements, and pages required to build a complete Dashboard or Admin panel – Now available for HTML, React, Next.js, and Vue!
If you're looking for the React version, go here. This application is perfect if you are looking for flexibility, like a server rendered or a framework implementation that is not currently offered, or just don't want too much dependencies Accessibility is a priority in my projects and I think it should be in yours too, so this was developed listening to real screen readers and focus traps and keyboard navigation are available everywhere.
This starter template contains: Multi row Nav bar with search bar and drop down menu, "Day Mode" theme - see the alternative "Night Mode" theme, Placeholder graphs using Chart.js
This starter template contains: Multi row Nav bar with search bar and drop down menu, "Night Mode" theme - see the alternative "Day Mode" theme, Placeholder graphs using Chart.js
This starter template contains: Header with search bar and drop down menu, Nav List which wraps onto the next row for small screens, Side bar which becomes a fixed footer for small screens, Placeholder graphs using Chart.js