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A modern, beautiful, and easily configurable blog for Hugo that includes a dedicated page with a functional contact form.
A modern, beautiful, and easily configurable blog for Hugo that includes a dedicated page with a functional contact form.
Three Reasons to Use Blogophonic
Blogophonic is thoughtfully crafted with features a blog should have: multiple layouts - including one with a sidebar; custom sidebar text with a sticky ad container; option to hide byline, dateline, and thumbnail images.
Styled with Tachyons - A design system for todays modern, generated websites. Avoid complex cascades and unintended side effects while taking advantage of Tachyons community library of components.
Forms Built-in - Collect inquiries fast and easy with a contact form powered by Formspree ... you don't need a server or any programming knowledge. Just configure the form page and submit once to set it up.