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An e-commerce web application developed with Next.JS (React) + Tailwind CSS for front-end/UI, Context API for state management and Custom REST API for Backend.
KARA - Ecommerce built with T3 Stack : NextJS, TypeScript, tRPC, Prisma, NextAuth and styled with Tailwind CSS
kupingplug simple ecommerce website with next & tailwindcss.
This is a Next.Js + Typescript + Tailwindcss + headless Shopify free starter template.
Jones is an SEO-friendly, responsive, mobile-first online store for purchasing Nike Jordan Ones.
A free, production-ready Next.js template powered by Tailwind CSS and TypeScript, specifically designed for Shopify. Utilizes the Shopify Storefront API through GraphQL and providing everything you need to jumpstart your Next project and save valuable time.