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Muse Ant Design Dashboard is a free Admin Template based on two popular front-end technologies: Ant Design & React. It was built to simplify the developer's work and is comes with a fresh design inspired by Ant Design. All its components are built to fit perfectly with each other, while aligning to the Ant Design concepts.
A Modern React Admin Template. It is based on React 18, Vite and TypeScript. It's fast !
Most trendiest, complex and innovative Dashboard Made by Creative Tim & Simmmple. Check our latest Free ReactJS Dashboard based on Chakra UI.
Most trendiest, complex and innovative Free Chakra UI Dashboard Made by Simmmple & Creative Tim. Check our latest Free Chakra UI Dashboard.
Most trendiest, complex and innovative Free Chakra UI Dashboard Made by Simmmple & Creative Tim. Check our latest Free Chakra UI Dashboard.
Boss Lite is admin dashboard template based on React and Redux. It provides you clean modern design and high performance react app with various color theme. This template has been built to makes the development process easy and fast for you, which is supported by material-ui v1.x, jss (css in js), immutable js, webpack, ssr (server side rendering), npm modern workflow and flexible layout with flexbox.
MatX is an amazing free React admin template. It is built with React, Redux & Material UI. We have implemented all the features you might need to start a new Web application. This Free React Admin Template includes all Material UI components, Form elements, and validation. Also, JWT Authentication, Sign In, Sign Up Pages, Vertical Navigation, Lazy Loading, and a lot more. Moreover, it comes with a large collection of React components that will offer you multiple possibilities to build any kind of App. Therefore, you can use it for admin panel, management system, project management, CMS, CRM, Web & Mobile Application Backend, etc.
If you are looking for an eye-catching and elegantly designed free react admin template that comes with several added features, then look no more. Modernize react admin is a free template that has everything you require to develop an amazing web app. It has a very simple sleek design which will give your next project a professional and engaging look.
Free React Admin Dashboard made with Material-UI components and React + Vite.js.
Materially Free Reactjs Admin Template comes with awosome ready to use pages that empower your development process.