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🌟 Build beautiful, accessible, high-performance documentation websites with Astro.
Astro Theme with zero config hierarchical menu and table of content, render pure standard Markdown .md with custom Astro components for panzoom, galleries, code, diagrams, 3D, links, interactive tables and more.
Logspot is a lightweight, free and open source template for your changelog made with Vue, Nuxt and Tailwindcss.
A lil docs template for lil projects. Built with NextJS (Typescript), ChakraUI and ContentLayer.
Sandocs is Documentation Website Template Built with Next.js & Sanity CMS. Included with an NPM Plugin Landing Page.
Looking for a simple yet powerful documentation for your website to jumpstart your project? Easy Docs template is designed with the MDX, latest tech stack, offering a sleek, modern design that’s easy to use and configure.
A knowledge base is a centralized repository of information designed to provide answers to frequently asked questions, solutions to common problems, and guidance on various topics. It serves as a self-service resource that empowers customers, employees, and stakeholders with the knowledge they need to complete tasks, resolve issues, and make informed decisions. Whether it’s sharing information about a company, its products and services, policies, procedures, or best practices, a knowledge base ensures that valuable information is easily accessible to those who need it.